Refractory precast shapes

Our portfolio of refractory materials

Refractory monolithic precast shapes offer a solution that eliminates the need to cast concrete on the construction site.

These products have two key advantages: they accelerate the assembly process of the lining and ensure proper thermal treatment of the concrete before the furnace startup (dried by the manufacturer before shipment). Refractory concrete prefabricates are produced in a dedicated process and delivered to clients as ready-to-install elements, eliminating the need to halt refurbishment works for concrete setting and drying times and alleviating concerns about the drying process of the lining. Performing the forming and drying process at the manufacturer's facility enables achieving the highest resistance to temperature and thermal shocks, as well as resistance to structural degradation and the action of aggressive chemical agents during the lining's operation



We form prefabricates to any shape

As a manufacturer of monolithic precast shapes, we have introduced prefabricates to our product portfolio to provide customers with ready-to-install refractory concretes, eliminating the need for further thermal processing, which can be time-consuming and difficult to carry out on-site during refurbishment.

Our team of designers is available to help develop the optimal shape of the product, select the appropriate grade of concrete for the working conditions of the prefabricate, and consider the use of special internal reinforcement or a transport system to facilitate product installation.

The largest formats we produce are single-piece, high-temperature resistant concrete prefabricates with a weight exceeding 7 tons and maximum dimensions of 4200 mm.

Examples of complicated shapes we produce:
Format 1
Format 2
Format 3
Format 4
Format 5
Format 6

Why choose our products

We have a special department dedicated exclusively to the production of concrete prefabricates. It's a separate line with mixers, vibrating tables, and ovens for low-temperature drying. Our specialists have years of experience in casting concrete shapes. We are able to cast shapes from every type of refractory concrete we offer.

Flexible production department

We specialize in designing and producing precast shapes of various sizes, ranging from small to several meters in formats, in series from a few to several hundred pieces. The composition of the concrete mix and the curing time are carefully adjusted to achieve optimal parameters of the final product, regardless of the complexity of the shape.

Drying of prefab elements

The cast shapes can be pre-cured at temperatures up to 650 °C. The drying process occurs both in a dedicated dryer and in an oven, ensuring the final product has excellent utility properties, is ready for installation, and has a safe startup of the lining.

Precast shape design service

We will plan the shapes and their installation method to match the lining design perfectly. Our clients can save time casting and drying concrete in hard-to-reach areas of the lining. Ready-made concrete prefabricates are easy to install and similar to brick.

Own steel mold workshop

We recommend using metal or plastic molds. They provide greater dimensional accuracy than traditional wooden molds and show less wear during the production of more extensive series. We manufacture molds in our workshop, considering the behavior of concrete during the drying process (permanent dimensional change of the product).

Embedding steel elements

Where the working conditions of the prefabricate allow, we can embed reinforcing/fixing elements made of high-temperature steel or apply dispersed reinforcement, which increases the element's resistance to mechanical loads.

Dedicated concrete production process

We manufacture prefabricates in a process dedicated to a specific type of refractory concrete. This means selecting the appropriate mass composition, aggregate granulation, and controlled casting and drying. The production process varies depending on the binding system used in the material (cement, chemical additives, hybrid systems).

Production process and quality control steps

Click the step to show more details
1 2
1. Preparation of the dry mix
2. Preparation of the wet mix (concrete)
3. Mold preparation and concrete casting
4. Drying at temperatures up to 600 °C
5. Finishing
6. Packing
What we do at this stage?

At this stage, we mix refractory aggregate of carefully selected fractions with cement or another binding agent, following the proportions prescribed for the specific concrete formula. An industrial mixer ensures the proper combination of the mass.

What we control at this stage?

We monitor the mix's chemical and granular composition, moisture, and other vital parameters.

What we do at this stage?

Dry ingredients are combined in the correct proportions with water and additives, according to the technological plan. Once the proper consistency is achieved in the mixer, the concrete is ready to be poured.

What we control at this stage?

The consistency of the concrete is monitored, and a sample is taken for laboratory testing.

What we do at this stage?

In our mechanical department and carpentry shop, we produce reusable molds made of wood and steel. The shape of the mold is designed based on the type of mass and the working surface of the prefabricated mold. The concrete is poured into the assembled mold, and the shape is set aside to cure.

What we control at this stage?

We check the dimensions of the mold and its tightness and observe the air-curing process.

What we do at this stage?

Prefabricates are removed from the mold and placed in an oven after initial setting. Our dryer allows for the heating of shapes at temperatures up to 600 °C in a controlled process.

This removes all water from the prefabricate, ensuring the concrete reaches optimal parameters.

What we control at this stage?

The surface and mass of the prefabricate after thermal processing are monitored, and a sample of the finished product is taken for laboratory tests.

What we do at this stage?

Some prefabricates require additional work, such as marking, attaching transport elements, or painting. There is also the possibility of combining the prefabricate with other products (bricks, anchors, nonwovens) to create a module ready for installation in the device.

What we do at this stage?

Upon completion, prefabricates are packed on standard IPPC wooden pallets measuring 1100 x 800 mm, EUR pallets measuring 1200 x 800 mm, or oversized pallets over 3000 mm wide.

Depending on the complexity of the element, additional protections such as films, cardboard, and styrofoam are used. At this stage, each pallet receives a product label containing a set of agreed information and the barcode of the production batch.

What we control at this stage?

A final visual inspection of the shapes is conducted, and the quality and stability of the packaging are checked before the product is moved to the finished goods warehouse.

  • 1. Preparation of the dry mix
    What we do at this stage?

    At this stage, we mix refractory aggregate of carefully selected fractions with cement or another binding agent, following the proportions prescribed for the specific concrete formula. An industrial mixer ensures the proper combination of the mass.

    What we control at this stage?

    We monitor the mix's chemical and granular composition, moisture, and other vital parameters.

  • 2. Preparation of the wet mix (concrete)
    What we do at this stage?

    Dry ingredients are combined in the correct proportions with water and additives, according to the technological plan. Once the proper consistency is achieved in the mixer, the concrete is ready to be poured.

    What we control at this stage?

    The consistency of the concrete is monitored, and a sample is taken for laboratory testing.

  • 3. Mold preparation and concrete casting
    What we do at this stage?

    In our mechanical department and carpentry shop, we produce reusable molds made of wood and steel. The shape of the mold is designed based on the type of mass and the working surface of the prefabricated mold. The concrete is poured into the assembled mold, and the shape is set aside to cure.

    What we control at this stage?

    We check the dimensions of the mold and its tightness and observe the air-curing process.

  • 4. Drying at temperatures up to 600 °C
    What we do at this stage?

    Prefabricates are removed from the mold and placed in an oven after initial setting. Our dryer allows for the heating of shapes at temperatures up to 600 °C in a controlled process.

    This removes all water from the prefabricate, ensuring the concrete reaches optimal parameters.

    What we control at this stage?

    The surface and mass of the prefabricate after thermal processing are monitored, and a sample of the finished product is taken for laboratory tests.

  • 5. Finishing
    What we do at this stage?

    Some prefabricates require additional work, such as marking, attaching transport elements, or painting. There is also the possibility of combining the prefabricate with other products (bricks, anchors, nonwovens) to create a module ready for installation in the device.

  • 6. Packing
    What we do at this stage?

    Upon completion, prefabricates are packed on standard IPPC wooden pallets measuring 1100 x 800 mm, EUR pallets measuring 1200 x 800 mm, or oversized pallets over 3000 mm wide.

    Depending on the complexity of the element, additional protections such as films, cardboard, and styrofoam are used. At this stage, each pallet receives a product label containing a set of agreed information and the barcode of the production batch.

    What we control at this stage?

    A final visual inspection of the shapes is conducted, and the quality and stability of the packaging are checked before the product is moved to the finished goods warehouse.

Supplementary products

In addition to refractory ceramics for the working layer of linings, we also provide a range of additional products.

Do you need help deciding which material to choose or how to arrange the brick layers? Our engineers will perform a temperature flow calculation for you and suggest a layout from the working layer to the insulation layer.

Refractory mortars heatseting and airsetting, ready to use

Ceramic papers, thicknesses 1 to 5 mm

Bulk ceramic fiber, ropes and sealing joints

Semi dense insulating boards, thicknesses 10 to 100 mm

Calcium-Silicate boards

Ceramic fiber blankets, thicknesses 13 to 100 mm

Our offer


Creating designs for the linings of industrial furnaces.


Offering specialized consultations, opinions, and analyses.


Manufacturing and assembling the necessary lining components.


Organizing product deliveries to every corner of the world.


Dismantling old linings and executing new installations.


We provide supervision during cooling down, heating, installation, or repair.
  • Designing

    Creating designs for the linings of industrial furnaces.


    Organizing product deliveries to every corner of the world.
  • Advising

    Offering specialized consultations, opinions, and analyses.


    Dismantling old linings and executing new installations.
  • Producing

    Manufacturing and assembling the necessary lining components.


    We provide supervision during cooling down, heating, installation, or repair.

Contact us

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Technical consultation
If you want to talk about a problem with your refractory lining performance or find out whether a specific product will be a good solution - send a message to our experts and they will advise you for free!

    Request for quotation
    Do you already know what products you need? Send us an inquiry and we will quickly price it and make you a commercial offer.

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          General contact
          If you have any questions about our company or other questions not yet related to the purchase of products - write to us here!