Dense refractory firebricks

Our portfolio of refractory materials

We specialize in producing refractory bricks and shapes characterized by their resistance to high temperatures up to 1700 °C.

Our product portfolio includes various grades with alumina (Al2O3) content ranging from 20% to 95%, made from materials such as chamotte, andalusite, mullite, bauxite, corundum, and SiC.

We design and produce our mold elements, which allows us to give refractory products almost any desired shape. Over more than 170 years of activity as a manufacturer of fire-resistant materials, we have accumulated a stock of molds that enables the production of over 35,000 different shapes of refractory bricks.


Our products

Fireclay bricks Andalusite bricks Bauxite bricks Mullite bricks Corundum bricks Silicon-Carbide bricks (SiC) Acid-resistant bricks

Fireclay bricks

Fireclay bricks

We produce chamotte products using refractory clays as a binding material and fired chamotte, often referred to simply as chamotte. Our chamotte products' alumina (Al2O3) content ranges from 30% to 45%. The temperature range for possible applications can reach up to 1450 °C.

The NORMATON line represents our standard chamotte products. They are suitable for any refractory lining under moderate working conditions, up to 1350 °C.

The SUPERTON line consists of multi-chamotte bricks dedicated for applications at temperatures up to 1400 °C. These bricks feature a reduced iron oxide content (below 2%).

In the EXTRATON product line, we've gathered chamotte and multi-chamotte bricks enriched with additives that increase resistance to harsh working conditions, such as abrasion, thermal shock, or chemical corrosion.

SITONEX products are dedicated primarily to applications in coke battery linings. They are characterized by significantly reduced susceptibility to dimensional changes under thermal load. As a result, the lining achieves higher tightness.

KORMAX cordierite-chamotte bricks were developed by us to provide a chamotte product with increased resistance to sudden changes in working temperature, known as thermal shocks. They are especially suitable for use in furnace cars.

The ABRAL product line includes kiln bricks with silicon carbide (SiC) based on raw materials from chamotte and andalusite. They are characterized by increased resistance to abrasion and corrosion (alkali influence).

Andalusite bricks

Andalusite bricks

We manufacture andalusite (sillimanite) products from natural raw materials belonging to the sillimanite group, which includes sillimanite, andalusite, and kyanite, as well as high-quality refractory clay. Due to their high mullite phase content, these products are characterized by their high refractoriness under load, resistance to creep at high temperatures, and thermal shock resistance. Sillimanite products are available in several variants: fired, chemically bonded fired, and chemically bonded tempered.

The ANDALUX product line offers a variety of andalusite brick options. In addition to the most commonly provided brick with a 60% Al2O3 content, we also produce products with enhanced strength parameters.

The ABRAL product line consists of silicon carbide bricks based on raw materials from chamotte and andalusite. They are characterized by increased resistance to wear and corrosion (alkali influence).

Bauxite bricks

Bauxite bricks

These products are manufactured from calcined bauxites, high-quality refractory clays, and a series of additives that shape the final properties of the product. They represent a group of products with various applications in various industries. They are characterized by excellent mechanical properties and high resistance to thermal shocks, and they also show good resistance to multiple types of slag. Bauxite products come in several variants: fired, chemically bonded, and chemically bonded tempered.

In the BAUXITEX product line, we have gathered typical bauxite bricks and product variants with additives that enhance their mechanical and thermal strength.

Mullite bricks

Mullite bricks

We produce high-alumina mullite products using special refractory clays as a binding material and high-alumina grogs obtained from technical alumina and raw refractory clay or kaolin. For production, we use both sintered and fused mullite aggregates. Due to their exceptional properties, these products have found wide applications in many thermal devices operating in the temperature range from 1400 to 1600 °C.

The MULITEX line includes typical mullite fire bricks and products based on fused mullite. Products from this line are manufactured using pure raw materials, which results in low porosity.

Products from the ALUTEX line are dedicated to applications in siphon systems used in metallurgy and steel casting. They are distinguished by low porosity and low water absorption.

Corundum bricks

Corundum bricks

We primarily manufacture corundum products from synthetic alumina, especially fused alumina or tabular oxides. The main phases present in the product are corundum and mullite, which gives these products excellent thermomechanical properties and very high chemical resistance.

CORALEX fire bricks have the highest alumina content in our portfolio—up to 95%. They are dedicated to applications at temperatures up to 1700 °C and in the most challenging working conditions of the lining.

Silicon-Carbide bricks (SiC)

Silicon-Carbide bricks (SiC)

We produce silicon carbide (SiC) products from high-purity synthetic raw materials, mainly silicon carbides and high-purity refractory clay. These products feature unique properties, such as mechanical strength at high and low temperatures and high thermal conductivity. Additionally, they are characterized by resistance to thermal shocks, abrasion, corrosion, and the effects of non-oxidizing slag and metal.

In the SICALUX product line, we offer SiC bricks based on a ceramic bond. These products exhibit high thermal conductivity and have a characteristic graphite color.

Acid-resistant bricks

Acid-resistant bricks

Acid-resistant chamotte bricks are a special type of refractory ceramics primarily used in the lining of furnaces requiring high resistance to chemical substances, including acids. They are made from a mixture of refractory clays (chamotte) and additional components that reduce the product's porosity and increase its chemical resistance. Acid-resistant bricks produced by PCO Żarów contain up to 35% alumina and show solubility in acid not exceeding 2.5% of the product's mass loss.

The RESIMAX line includes our acid-resistant bricks. These products are characterized by low susceptibility to erosion during sulfuric acid testing (1.5% to a maximum of 2.5% lining mass loss).

Brick Shapes

We can shape ceramics in any way

In the design of refractory linings, flexibility and the ability to adapt the lining's shape to the specific shell and installation conditions play crucial roles. Thanks to our versatile molding department, large series reaching thousands of pieces and short runs, including a few pieces of complex ceramic shapes, pose no challenge for us.

We are involved in both the design and production of all necessary molds. For each shape, we prepare a detailed execution drawing. Over more than 170 years of activity, our specialists have developed documentation and a parts database, enabling the execution of over 35,000 shapes on demand without producing new elements.

Examples of complicated shapes we produce:
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Format 6

Why choose our refractory bricks

PCO is much more than a manufacturer of refractory materials. We strive to provide our clients with comprehensive refractory solutions for equipment's ceramic linings. Our offer includes over 180 tested product brands whose properties have been developed to meet every challenge encountered during machine operation.

Predictable and consistent product quality

Thanks to our multi-point quality control plan, we ensure that every batch of refractory materials delivered meets the specified order conditions. This applies to both the product's shape and the series' size.

Broad portfolio of fire brick grades

We offer many types of bricks, from standard chamotte products to specialized high-alumina products. Our experts will help select the best product for the furnace lining's working conditions, reducing the risk of purchasing bricks unsuited to the furnace and the specified budget. We provide a warranty for the lining's operation over a specified period for selected applications.

Large mold stock and shape design service

We can produce all standard product formats, both simple and complex, without additional tooling costs for the client. Where a new product design is needed, we offer the experience of our designers, who will develop the best shape for the specific lining.

Own R&D department and laboratory

We have our own research and development (R&D) team and laboratory facilities. This allows us to provide our clients with technical support and advice, which is extremely important in solving complex technical problems. Our team of technologists and engineers offers the possibility of customizing products and services to meet individual client requirements.

High packaging standard

We undertake projects in over 40 countries across different continents. We ensure that our products arrive at the construction site in the same condition as they left the production line. Stable packaging allows for the safe stacking of pallets at the client's location on several levels.

Reliable raw material sources

We use primary and secondary sources in our raw material sourcing strategy. Primary raw materials are obtained from certified and verified suppliers and manufacturers worldwide. We generate secondary raw materials through the recycling of products and semi-finished products. Each raw material is subject to quality control, both on the supplier's side and at our premises upon delivery.

Production process and quality control steps

Click the step to show more details
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1. Preparation of raw material mix
2. Production of molds
3. Molding
4. Firing
5. Finishing
6. Packing
What we do at this stage?

We prepare raw materials such as aggregates, clays, and grogs in mixers to obtain a uniform mass with appropriate parameters and moisture content.

The proportions of ingredients and granulation are adjusted according to the product type and final dimensions.

What we control at this stage?

We monitor the mass's moisture content and take a sample to check the mixture's chemical and granular composition.

What we do at this stage?

We produce 100% of the molds for presses for our own needs. The dimensions of the mold are adjusted to the type of product, and later, shrinkage or expansion during the firing process is taken into account. We regenerate molds regularly after a specified number of production cycles.

What we control at this stage?

We measure the geometry of the mold and check the correct execution of details by the drawing documentation.

What we do at this stage?

Our molding park has 20 presses, allowing us to produce short and long products, ensuring uniform quality from the first to the last piece.

The pressing parameters are controlled through a pressing program, considering the parameters of the mass currently being formed.

What we control at this stage?

We meticulously examine the dimensions and internal structure of the raw product through visual, ultrasonic, and destructive testing.

What we do at this stage?

Our facility has three tunnel kilns with an automated system for controlling temperatures in individual zones. The firing process is conducted at temperatures up to 1700 °C and carried out according to a strictly defined technological schedule.

Products rejected at this stage are returned to crushers and processed into secondary raw materials.

What we control at this stage?

After firing, we perform a final visual inspection, examine the geometry, and assess the product's physicochemical parameters.

What we do at this stage?

For projects requiring additional actions on the product, we offer a range of services such as cutting, grinding, marking, strapping with steel bands, or pre-assembly.

What we do at this stage?

After a successful production cycle, we pack the products on wooden pallets (IPPC dimension 1100 x 800 mm or EUR dimension 1200 x 800 mm). Standard packaging elements include interlayers on each layer, cardboard corners, PE straps, and a welded plastic hood.

Each pallet is marked with a product label containing an agreed information set and a barcode for the production batch.

What we control at this stage?

We check the quality and stability of the packaging before transferring the pallet with products to the finished goods warehouse.

  • 1. Preparation of raw material mix
    What we do at this stage?

    We prepare raw materials such as aggregates, clays, and grogs in mixers to obtain a uniform mass with appropriate parameters and moisture content.

    The proportions of ingredients and granulation are adjusted according to the product type and final dimensions.

    What we control at this stage?

    We monitor the mass's moisture content and take a sample to check the mixture's chemical and granular composition.

  • 2. Production of molds
    What we do at this stage?

    We produce 100% of the molds for presses for our own needs. The dimensions of the mold are adjusted to the type of product, and later, shrinkage or expansion during the firing process is taken into account. We regenerate molds regularly after a specified number of production cycles.

    What we control at this stage?

    We measure the geometry of the mold and check the correct execution of details by the drawing documentation.

  • 3. Molding
    What we do at this stage?

    Our molding park has 20 presses, allowing us to produce short and long products, ensuring uniform quality from the first to the last piece.

    The pressing parameters are controlled through a pressing program, considering the parameters of the mass currently being formed.

    What we control at this stage?

    We meticulously examine the dimensions and internal structure of the raw product through visual, ultrasonic, and destructive testing.

  • 4. Firing
    What we do at this stage?

    Our facility has three tunnel kilns with an automated system for controlling temperatures in individual zones. The firing process is conducted at temperatures up to 1700 °C and carried out according to a strictly defined technological schedule.

    Products rejected at this stage are returned to crushers and processed into secondary raw materials.

    What we control at this stage?

    After firing, we perform a final visual inspection, examine the geometry, and assess the product's physicochemical parameters.

  • 5. Finishing
    What we do at this stage?

    For projects requiring additional actions on the product, we offer a range of services such as cutting, grinding, marking, strapping with steel bands, or pre-assembly.

  • 6. Packing
    What we do at this stage?

    After a successful production cycle, we pack the products on wooden pallets (IPPC dimension 1100 x 800 mm or EUR dimension 1200 x 800 mm). Standard packaging elements include interlayers on each layer, cardboard corners, PE straps, and a welded plastic hood.

    Each pallet is marked with a product label containing an agreed information set and a barcode for the production batch.

    What we control at this stage?

    We check the quality and stability of the packaging before transferring the pallet with products to the finished goods warehouse.

Supplementary products

In addition to refractory ceramics for the working layer of linings, we also provide a range of additional products.

Do you need help deciding which material to choose or how to arrange the brick layers? Our engineers will perform a temperature flow calculation for you and suggest a layout from the working layer to the insulation layer.

Refractory mortars heatseting and airsetting, ready to use

Ceramic papers, thicknesses 1 to 5 mm

Bulk ceramic fiber, ropes and sealing joints

Semi dense insulating boards, thicknesses 10 to 100 mm

Calcium-Silicate boards

Ceramic fiber blankets, thicknesses 13 to 100 mm

Our offer


Creating designs for the linings of industrial furnaces.


Offering specialized consultations, opinions, and analyses.


Manufacturing and assembling the necessary lining components.


Organizing product deliveries to every corner of the world.


Dismantling old linings and executing new installations.


We provide supervision during cooling down, heating, installation, or repair.
  • Designing

    Creating designs for the linings of industrial furnaces.


    Organizing product deliveries to every corner of the world.
  • Advising

    Offering specialized consultations, opinions, and analyses.


    Dismantling old linings and executing new installations.
  • Producing

    Manufacturing and assembling the necessary lining components.


    We provide supervision during cooling down, heating, installation, or repair.

Contact us

Please select the option that best describes the subject you want to discuss with us. This will help us direct your inquiry to the right person at PCO.

Technical consultation
If you want to talk about a problem with your refractory lining performance or find out whether a specific product will be a good solution - send a message to our experts and they will advise you for free!

    Request for quotation
    Do you already know what products you need? Send us an inquiry and we will quickly price it and make you a commercial offer.

      Stock availability
      If you just want to find out whether we have the products you need in stock and available immediately, please use this form.

        Become a supplier
        If you work with production companies of similar profile to PCO Żarów and want to talk to us about your products or services, please use this form.

          General contact
          If you have any questions about our company or other questions not yet related to the purchase of products - write to us here!